Meet Australian artist and teacher, Jess Karam (@freshstridedesigns), known for her interactive art classes with Go Go Art. We asked loads of questions about her artistic habits, achievements, dreams, and preferences and she came back with tonnes of inspiring answers. Read on to find out more!
How do you make time for creative projects?

We all live busy daily lives but being creative is really important for my wellbeing. I usually make time in the evenings for my creative projects. I find that after the kids are in bed and I have time to wind down, doing a mindful activity such as painting or preparing for an upcoming art class helps me to relax.
What art medium do you want to explore more?
I love watercolour but find that I don’t know enough about the various techniques and processes required. It would be really fun to explore more mixed media artworks as this would really give variety to the creative process and pieces I’m creating. I also find that when I immerse myself in new art mediums, I’m more inclined to try these with my class and have fun exploring them together!
What’s your creative process like? Do you prefer to plan it out or jump in and learn as you go?

I am definitely ready to jump in and learn as I go! I find that I will often see different techniques that art teachers have used and shared and just have a go at it with the kids at home. Once I have had a go with them, I feel confident to share with the kids at Go Go Art. In regard to my own painting, I will plan out some of the patterns and shapes I want to see in my art, but I’ll likely adapt and change it as I go along.
Who are your creative cheerleaders?
My family are my greatest creative cheerleaders! My kids will be the first to comment on a new art piece, help me try new art techniques and sit and paint with me when they have time. I am very lucky to have met some amazing artists through Rach Jackson’s artist hangs and I love chatting with Helen Collins from Fox Box Art about what she might be doing in her classes and how she manages the juggle of home life, work and art.
What’s something that you’re proud of, that you don’t often get to talk about?

I am so proud of Go Go Art! I started this all at the beginning of the year to provide opportunities for kids to participate in art experiences after school and during school holidays. As a primary school teacher, I love seeing kids explore the arts and seeing them create freely at our Go Go Art sessions brings me so much joy!
What 3 art supplies would you take to the moon?
- Table Top Easel
- My Favourite paint brushes - I have a few different ones, but I love the Mont Marte Signature series
- My paint palette - I am a messy painter so often need a few of these
How do you tackle art block? What gets you creating again?

I head out in nature and take some photos! I am really inspired by the patterns in tree bark and finding that a simple walk along the creek will really help me find my creative energy again. I also love getting a bag of Chinese herbs from my friend Dr Anna Pino to help inspire me with new shapes and patterns.
Aside from abstract art and teaching, what other hobbies do you enjoy?
I love spending time with friends and family. Heading out for a play at the park and going for a bike ride or swim together brings me a lot of joy! I am also late to the pilates-party but am really enjoying taking time out of my day to do a class with my friends.
What' s your guilty pleasure?
I am a lover of all the arts and particularly love musical theatre, so any TV shows that break out with a random song or dance mid-conversation are absolutely my guilty pleasure – think Glee meets High School Musical!
Do you have a fave memory or moment from art teaching?

This year we have created so many amazing art pieces in the Go Go Art classroom. I love seeing the kids create and make their own unique artworks but mostly I think my favourite memories are around the relationships they form with like-minded kids. They are willing to help one another, always have kind words and praise for each other, and make friends in a new and unfamiliar space. It’s been amazing!
See more about @freshstridedesigns by checking out our gallery, where her art journey is featured! Stock up on textured art supplies for the whole fam by checking out our Play range. If you feel ready to create, #montmarteart or tag us @montmarteart on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what you come up with!
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