Cassidy Salomon
"I was in my final year of uni when I started playing with “textured art”. I started posting videos to TikTok and Instagram and things grew from there. I have now recently branched into a new avenue of art that I am calling “engraving art”. I am not sure if there is already a term for it, but I haven’t seen anyone do what I am doing with the mediums that I am using."
Meet Gold Coast artist, Cassidy Salomon (@my.saltystudio), known for her textural designs. She's into loads of art mediums and techniques, but lately she's been exploring engraving and physical texture with acrylics, modelling pastes, and plaster.
Cassidy thinks it's important not to push it - if she needs a break from creating she listens to her inner artist and spends time doing things that inspire her, like surfing. To stay on track, she plans out her artworks before diving in, taking care with her creative exploration.