Ness Lockyer
If Ness had a time machine she would go..."Back to my school days to give myself the guts to follow my creative path. I hid my work away for about 20 years. It was just a lack of confidence, even though I was in the top 2% for art at school. It was silly to think I wasn’t enough! So, I would like to go back and tell myself to ‘wake up and get on with it'."
G'day to Australian artist, Ness Lockyer (@nesslockyerart)! She's passionate about all kinds of art, from oil paints to ceramics. Ness lives by a motto passed down from her Mum, "put the rule book down and find your own way."
She hit a massive milestone in 2024 by entering the Archibald Prize Competition, after wanting to for 36 years! Be brave and try new things just like Ness - it could become your next big thing.