19 Feb 2020Mont Marte

Draw a simple white charcoal portrait

Simple White Charcoal Portrait

Simple White Charcoal Portrait

Copyright of Mont International Pty Ltd The materials for this lesson can be found at a Gold or above Art Centre. Go to to find the one nearest to you. MBST4050 Mont Marte Painting Board 40x50cm PCHB0001 Mont Marte Chalkboard Paint 250ml MPN0041 Mont Marte Signature White Charcoal Pencils eraser Also required: water Brushes

If you would like to protect your work you can frame it behind glass . 1. Painting the board The first step is to apply Black Chalk Paint to the painting board. Let the first coat dry and apply a second coat and let this dry before starting the next step. 2. Drawing up the outline Refer to the the image on page 6. Use a white charcoal pencil and a ruler to mark up the verticle and horizontal lines. Transfer the lines from the image onto the board. Once the guide lines are drawn on draw in the genral outline. Pay close attention to how the ruled guidelines relate to the genral outline of the portrait on the printout and transfer it as faithfully as you can. 1 2

3 1 2 3. Adding tone to the face Now the outline is drawn on we can add some tone. Start with the face and block in the area. Once the area is coloured in, soften the edges with a dry soft Taklon paint brush. Refer to the last image for guidence in this step. Remove any hard construction lines with a damp brush. 4. Outlining the hair In this step you draw up the hair in sections. Make note of where the hair begins at the top of the head and the direction that it follows. Refer to the accompanying video for guidence in this step. 3 4

5. Detailing the hair Now the sections of hair are in we need to add some detail. To do this lay a series of lines in each section. Again follow the direction that the hair would follow. Fill in each section with lines that lie very close to one another to suggest lots of hair. Once the hair has been detailed with the linework use a soft brush to soften the lines. The final stage of this step is to concentrate areas of white on any areas of highlight in the hair. It is important not to cover too much of hair with pigment or the effect of fine hair will be lost. 5 6. Finishing The portrait should esentially be finished, and the final step is to add some tone to the left side of the panel. This will tie the work together. Use some charcoal powder and apply it with your thumb onto the left side of the portrait. Blend it out as you move up the panel. Use a damp brush to remove pigment flom the tone to suggest hair. The final step is to remove the guide lines with a damp brush. 5 6

Material List

  • White Charcoal Pencils Signature 3pc
  • Painting Board Premium 40.6 x 50.8cm (16 x 20in)
  • Chalkboard Paint Signature 250ml (8.45oz) - Black

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