Mont Marte Pty Ltd Supplier Code of Conduct




This Supplier Code of Conduct (Code) applies to all suppliers, service providers, distributors and any entities that provide goods or services (Suppliers) to Mont Marte Pty Ltd and/or its related bodies corporate worldwide (Mont Marte Group). 

This Code outlines the expectations for all Suppliers and their subcontractors in relation to ethical business practices, labour and human rights, health and safety, environmental stewardship, and compliance with applicable laws.

This Code sets out the minimum standards of behaviour Mont Marte Group requires Suppliers to meet, and will apply in addition to any agreement, contract or terms appliable to your relationship with Mont Marte Group. Mont Marte Group requires existing and prospective suppliers to read, understand and ensure that their business (and where applicable, those in the Supplier’s supply chain) comply with the Code. Suppliers must communicate this Code to related entities, suppliers and subcontractors who support them in supplying to Mont Marte Group.

In the event that applicable laws or terms or conditions of our contacts impose stricter requirements than this Code, Suppliers must comply with those stricter requirements as applicable, and ensure compliance through their supply chain.


1. Legal Compliance


Suppliers must comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations in the countries where they operate, and with any reasonable instruction of Mont Marte Group.



2. Labour and Human Rights


Forced Labour: Suppliers shall not use forced, bonded, or indentured labour. We are committed to combating modern slavery and human trafficking. Suppliers are expected to:

  • Ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in their supply chains and act swiftly in the event that any such conduct is found or is at risk of occuring.
  • Conduct due diligence to identify and mitigate risks related to slavery and human trafficking.
  • Ensure that employment is voluntary, based on mutual consent without threats of penalty, denunciation to authorities, or physical, psychological and sexual violence.
  • Not withhold wages, restrict mobility, retain passports or engage in any other activity which restricts the freedom of employees.
  • Implement appropriate policies and procedures to address any identified risks.
  • Report any concerns or violations of this policy immediately.

Child Labour:
 Suppliers shall not engage in or support the use of child labour.

Wages and Working Hours: Suppliers must ensure that wages meet or exceed legal standards and industry benchmarks, and that working hours comply with local laws, ensuring they are not excessive.

Discrimination: Suppliers shall provide a work environment free from discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

Freedom of Association: Suppliers shall respect the freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining.

Human rights: Suppliers must respect and protect the human rights of workers, as well as people and communities affected by their activities and ensure a safe and healthy working environment.



3. Health and Safety


Suppliers must provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, including access to necessary safety equipment and training. Suppliers must have policies in place to identify and address workplace hazards.


4. Quality


Suppliers must implement systems to produce goods and services that meet or exceed relevant safety standards and laws, and operate quality assurance mechanisms for the lifecycle of products, to ensure that quality goods and services are being provided.


5. Record Keeping


Suppliers are expected to maintain adequate records that accurately record all financial transactions and information regarding its business activities, labour, health and safety and environmental practices in accordance with applicable laws, policies and procedures, and allow Mont Marte Group to review those records where relevant to Mont Marte Group, on reasonable request.


6. Environmental Stewardship 


Suppliers are expected to minimize their environmental impact and adhere to all applicable environmental laws and regulations. This includes sustainable practices in sourcing materials, waste management, and energy consumption where applicable.


7. Data Protection and Privacy


Mont Marte Group’s privacy policies outline our privacy commitment and explains how we collect, use, disclose and protect our customer’s personal information. Mont Marte Group values our customers’ privacy. Suppliers must be committed to protecting the reasonable privacy expectations in respect of personal information from those they do business with, including their own suppliers, customers, consumers and employees. Suppliers must comply with data privacy and confidential information and security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, stored, processed, transmitted and shared, in all applicable jurisdictions.


8. Ethical Business Practices:


Anti-Corruption: Suppliers shall act honestly and shall not engage in any form of bribery, corruption or unethical behaviour. This applies even if it is a common practice in the Supplier’s country. Suppliers must not offer or encourage the provision of gifts or favours that may inappropriately influence business decisions, whether to private sector or government officials.

Conflict of interest: A conflict of interest is where personal interests might interfere with the ability to make objective decisions. Suppliers must avoid all conflicts of interest, and disclose to Mont Marte Group any actual, perceived or potential conflict of interest that may arise.

Confidentiality: Suppliers must protect Mont Marte Group’s confidential information and proprietary information, and only use it where approved or strictly necessary for the provision of services to Mont Marte Group .

Respect for Intellectual Property: Suppliers must respect the intellectual property rights of Mont Marte Group and other third parties. This includes trademarks, patents, copyrights, designs, and trade secrets. Suppliers must ensure that any products or materials developed, manufactured, or supplied do not infringe on these rights, and if a Supplier becomes aware of any infringement or possible infringement, Mont Marte Group must be notified immediately and all instructions from Mont Marte Group must be followed in a timely manner.

No Counterfeit Goods: Suppliers must not produce, sell, or distribute counterfeit goods. All products and services provided must be authentic and comply with relevant intellectual property laws and agreements.

Prevention of Illegal Exports: Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that no products are exported or imported by them illegally. It is the Supplier's duty to do everything in their power to prevent illegal exports and imports and to ensure full compliance with applicable international export regulations and laws.

Reputation: Suppliers must use best endeavours, in all dealings with Mont Marte Group and/or on behalf of Mont Marte Group, to not bring Mont Marte Group (or its personnel) into disrepute.



9. Supply Chain Transparency:


Suppliers are required to maintain full transparency within their supply chains. This includes providing detailed information on the origin of raw materials, the manufacturing processes, and any subcontractors involved.


10. Managing exports and imports:


Suppliers must comply with any applicable trade sanctions or embargos, export laws and regulations.


11. Competition Laws:


Suppliers must comply with applicable competition and anti-trust laws. Suppliers must not engage in practices such as illegal monopolies, exclusive dealing, improper trade practices or anti-competitive conduct or practices.


12. Reporting and Compliance:


Suppliers are encouraged to report any violations of this Code. Mont Marte will investigate violations and take appropriate action.


13. Assessment:


Mont Marte Group may at any time review or audit a Supplier’s compliance with this Code. Suppliers must co-operate with an audit as reasonably required by Mont Marte Group. If deficiencies are identified, the Supplier should rectify these on a timely basis as reasonably directed by Mont Marte Group.


14. Continuous Improvement:


Suppliers are expected to continuously improve their practices and systems to ensure compliance with this Code and to promote ethical practices within their own supply chains.


15. Updates to this Code:


Mont Marte Group may update this Code as its business and corporate needs change. Suppliers must comply with any updated version once it is published or communicated to them.


16. Breaches of this Code:


Breaches of this Code may form grounds for Mont Marte Group to cease its relationship with Suppliers, and in some cases, terminate its agreement(s) with Suppliers. If you consider that a breach of this Code may be occurring or has occurred, you must contact Mont Marte Group immediately.




By adhering to this Code, you contribute to our commitment to ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility. We value our relationship with you and expect your continued compliance with these principles.