05 Jul 2024Mont Marte
Advanced Polymer Clay Sculpting and Modelling

Polymer clay fox tutorial: sculpting

How to make an armature

Tie-wire threaded through a Double Thick Canvas to make an armature

-    Use a small double-thick canvas as the base for your sculpture

-    To increase the strength and flexibility of your tie-wire, twist it around itself to effectively double its thickness

-    Bend the thickened wire to shape using the downloadable template above

-    Cut the plan out and puncture the position where the dots are to find the position of the holes

-    Place the wire through the holes, holding them with pencils to make sure they sit in the middle of the base

Mixing Plaster of Paris

Double Thick Canvas being filled with Plaster of Paris in front of fox drawing

-    Mix plaster into water following the instructions on the packaging (it should end up the consistency of pancake batter!)

-    Elevate the prepared canvas on tubs so the wire hangs freely then fill the canvas with plaster

-    This technique helps ground our fox so we can make it look like it’s in motion!

-    Allow the plaster to set

-    Once cured, cut the wire and remove the pencils

Shaping the armature

Wire fox sculpture armature packed with alfoil

-    Adjust the angles of each leg using measurements from the printout

-    Mark where the bends go using poster tack or something sticky but easy to remove

-    Bend the legs back horizontally to form the shoulders

-    Tape the shoulders together and bind them tightly with tie-wire

-    Pack out the armature with aluminium foil and tape it into position

How to model clay

Wire fox armature covered in beige polymer clay for the body

-    Condition the clay and roll it to a thickness of 6mm using a clay press or roller

-    Cut the clay into a shape that roughly fits your fox and model it around the body

-    Smooth it out to fill the form

-    Create a small ball for the head and smooth it on

-    Bake at 130°C (266°F) for 45 minutes

Sculpture details

Clay fox body sculpted with squinted face

-    Once cooled, add details using the 4 views printout from our website as a guide

-    Pack clay onto the legs tightly in the rough shape, using more clay than needed

-    Refine the muscle and bone shapes with a hobby knife

-    Ensure there’s no air between the clay and the armature

-    Slowly refine the sculpture by carving away small bits, looking at it from all angles

-    Pack clay onto the head and shape it

-    Ensure the snout is short and the eye sockets are deep

-    Give the fox a squinting look as it’s usually found in sandy environments!

-    Don’t forget to add paw pads to the underside of the feet

Clay fur

Fur details being added to clay fox with pin tool

-    Roll out a thick sheet of clay for the ears, and cut them roughly to shape

-    Blend the ears onto the head using a ball tool and the end of a paintbrush

-    Use a pin tool to suggest the coarse fur texture

-    Take note of the direction of the fur in different places and where there is less fur

Final bake

Fennec fox sculpture made with polymer clay on stand

-    Bake the fox once more, following the instructions on the packaging

-    And voilà! Your sculpted fennec fox is complete

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Clay Fox Template Guide Print project