04 Jun 2024Mont Marte
gouache Intermediate Painting

Mushroom cottage art using gouache

1.  Drawing outline

A hand drawing a pictureDescription automatically generated

-    Print out the reference drawing

-    Carefully draw the scene onto the mixed media paper, adding as many mushrooms as you like

-    You can also try the tracing method by shading the back of the outline, then tracing over the lines with the shaded side pressed to your art surface

-    Take your time with the drawing and make sure you are happy with it before adding paint

2. Mushroom colour palette

A close-up of a paintingDescription automatically generated

-    Squeeze out the following gouache colours onto your palette: Titanium White, Lemon Yellow, Medium Yellow, Orange Yellow, Vermillion, Scarlet, Crimson, Cobalt Blue, Sap Green, Deep Green, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, and Lamp Black

-    Test colour mixing on a spare sheet of paper to make sure its correct before adding to your artwork

3. Painting the background

A person drawing a pictureDescription automatically generated

-    Dip the 1-inch flat brush into water and mix Yellow Ochre with a touch of Cobalt Blue

-    Apply this mix to the background, covering the entire area evenly

-    Once dry, lighten Burnt Umber with white to paint the tree trunks in the distance

-    Vary their thickness and direction for a natural look

4. Painting the stems

A hand painting a picture of mushroomsDescription automatically generated

-    Mix Pale Green and Sap Green and paint the foreground, adding Burnt Umber in places for depth 

-    Mix Burnt Umber with grey to create a base tone for the mushroom stems

-    Apply this darker tone to the stems, then go over it with a lighter tone to add depth

-    Paint the underside of the mushrooms with a light wash of black

-    Use thin black lines to add the gills

5. Painting the caps

A person drawing a picture of mushroomsDescription automatically generated

-    Add a splash of colour to the mushroom caps using Reds and Oranges, varying for an organic look

-   Detail the main house however you like to decorate! We added a door, windows, and mailbox with shades of brown

-    Paint white spots on the caps

-    If the underlying colour contaminates the white, go over it again with more white once dry

-    Finish the caps by adding highlights to the gills for depth

6. Undergrowth painting

A painting of mushrooms and a houseDescription automatically generated

-    Mix a little black into the green gouache shades and paint the foreground around the house and mushrooms

-    While this is drying, add the door and any additional details to the cottage

-    Tip: adding contrasting colours can enhance the painting and make it more engaging

-    Paint some plants in light blue by first laying down a white base, letting it dry, and then glazing light blue over it

-    Mix Sap Green with a touch of Scarlet Red to create an olive colour and paint this over the darker areas of the foreground to add depth


You've just created a whimsical mushroom cottage using gouache! Remember, you can use coloured pencils or ink over the top to add even more detail if you like.

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Outline and Colour Guide Print project